steam_ugc_submit_item_update(ugc_update_handle, change_note);
参数 | 描述 |
ugc_update_handle | The unique handle for the UGC to be updated. |
change_note | The change notes (a string) to be used for the item. |
Returns: Async ID
This function will submit the UGC item inexed by the given handle to the Steam Workshop servers, adding the change notes to be used for the given item. The change notes should be a string and the update handle is the value returned when you called the function steam_ugc_start_item_update. When using this function it will return an async ID value which can then be parsed when the Steam Asynchronous event is triggered to report the creation of the item. The event will contain the following key/map values in the async_load ds_map:
- "id" - The async ID returned by the calling function
- "result" - 操作的结果(实际值)。这将是 GML 常量 ugc_result_success 或其他一些实数。So you should check for this constant to ensure that the call was successful, and if otherwise somthing has not worked correctly. 返回的其余可能值显示为 Steam “EResult” 值的结果,你应该在 SDK 头文件 steamclientpublic.h 中看到所有 89 个可能值。
- "event_type" - This key will hold the value "ugc_update_item"
- "legal_agreement_required" - Will be true or false (see the Steam docs for more details)
var app_id = steam_get_app_id();
var updateHandle = steam_ugc_start_item_update(app_id,
steam_ugc_set_item_title(updateHandle, "My workshop item(3)!");
steam_ugc_set_item_description( updateHandle, "testing
var tagArray;
tagArray[0] = "Test";
tagArray[1] = "New";
steam_ugc_set_item_tags(updateHandle, tagArray);
steam_ugc_set_item_preview(updateHandle, "promo.jpg");
steam_ugc_set_item_content(updateHandle, "WorkshopContent1");
requestId = steam_ugc_submit_item_update(updateHandle, "Version
The above code gets the game ID, then uses that along with a previously stored published file ID to generate an update handle for the item. This handle is then used to update various pieces of information before the update is pushed to the Workshop servers.