This function can be used to get the stretched state of the background element sprite. You give the background element ID (which you get when you create a background element using layer_background_create() or when you use the function layer_background_get_id()), and the function will return either true if the element sprite is currently stretched to fit the room, or false if it is not.
参数 描述 background_element_id The unique ID value of the background element to get the information from
var lay_id = layer_get_id("Background_sky");
var back_id = layer_background_get_id(lay_id);
if layer_background_get_stretch(back_id)
layer_background_stretch(back_id, false);
The above code will get the layer ID for the layer named "Background_sky" and then use that to get the ID of the background element on that layer. This ID is then used to check and see if the element sprite will be stretched to fit the room or not and if it is stretched, then this property is set to false.