返回: Real(实数)
This function ends the definition of a particle group (which you
should have begun using the function physics_particle_group_begin()),
which in turn creates all the particles for the group within the
game room. This function returns a unique ID value for the group
just created which you can then store in a variable and use in
other funtions.
var flags = phy_particle_flag_water |
phy_particle_flag_viscous | phy_particle_flag_tensile;
var groupflags = phy_particle_group_flag_solid;
physics_particle_group_begin(flags, groupflags, mouse_x, mouse_y,
0, 0, 0, 0, c_white, 1, 1, 2);
mLastGroup = physics_particle_group_end();
The above code stores the flags for the particle type and the particle group properties in variables then uses these to create a circular particle group with a 100px radius at the mouse position. The ID for the group that has been created is stored in the variable "mLastGroup".