

draw_surface_ext(id, x, y, xscale, yscale, rot, col, alpha);

参数 描述
id The unique ID value of the surface to draw.
x The x position of where to draw the surface.
y The y position of where to draw the surface.
x轴缩放 The horizontal scale.
y轴缩放 The vertical scale.
rot The rotation or angle to draw the surface.
col The colour with which to blend the surface.
alpha The alpha transparency for drawing the surface.




This function will draw the given surface as in the function draw_surface but with additional options to change the scale, blending, rotation and alpha of the surface being drawn. Changing these values does not modify the resource in any way (only how it is drawn).

注:由于储存在显存里,表面层运行时存在随时停止并退出的可能性。在直接引用它们之前,你需要 一直使用 surface_exists检测表面层是否退出。更多信息请查阅 表面层


draw_surface_ext(surf, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, c_red, 0.5);

The above code will draw a the surface indexed in the variable "surf" at the (0,0) position in the room, with twice the original scale, blended red and semi transparent.