
Draws a part of a given sprite with options for scaling, blending and rotation.


draw_sprite_general(sprite, subimg, left, top, width, height, x, y, xscale, yscale, rot, c1, c2, c3, c4, alpha);

参数 描述
sprite The index of the sprite to draw.
subimg The subimg (frame) of the sprite to draw (image_index or -1 correlate to the current frame of animation in the object).
left The x position on the sprite of the top left corner of the area to draw.
top The y position on the sprite of the top left corner of the area to draw.
宽度 The width of the area to draw.
高度 The height of the area to draw.
x The x coordinate of where to draw the sprite.
y The y coordinate of where to draw the sprite.
x轴缩放 The horizontal scaling of the sprite, as a multiplier: 1 = normal scaling, 0.5 is half etc...
y轴缩放 The vertical scaling of the sprite, as a multiplier: 1 = normal scaling, 0.5 is half etc...
rot The rotation of the sprite. 0=normal, 90=turned 90 degrees counter-clockwise etc.
c1 The colour with which to blend the top left area of the sprite.
c2 The colour with which to blend the top right area of the sprite.
c3 The colour with which to blend the bottom right area of the sprite.
c4 The colour with which to blend the bottom left area of the sprite.
alpha The alpha of the sprite (from 0 to 1 where 0 is transparent and 1 opaque).

返回: N/A(无返回值)


This function combines the function draw_sprite_ext with the function draw_sprite_part, adding in some additional blending options so that each corner of the final sprite part can be blended with an individual colour.

注意:启用WebGL时,建议仅为HTML5目标使用颜色混合,但如果未启用混合颜色,则仍可设置混合颜色,并且它将正常混合精灵。任何形式的混合会创建一个副本精灵储存在缓存,当需要时可供使用。如果你混合多种颜色,并且没有启用WebGL,将会降低你的游戏性能。如果你不希望使用WebGL,可以设置字体缓存大小以尝试使用函数 sprite_set_cache_size 来限制此值。


draw_sprite_general(sprite_index, image_index, 8, 8, sprite_width-16, sprite_height-16, x, y, 2, 0.5, 180, c_white, c_white, c_black, c_black, 1);

This will draw the instances assigned sprite (sprite_index) and its current frame of animation (image_index), however it will shave an 8px margin off all four sides of the sprite. It will be stretched to double its usual width but half its usual height. It will be opaque, and upside down. The top area of the sprite will be blended white and hence normal, but the bottom area will be black, meaning the sprite will go from normal to a silhouette downwards in a smooth gradient.

上一页: Drawing Sprites And Tiles
下一页: draw_sprite_part
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