
Draws the collision masks for a given frame of a skeletal animation with transforms.


draw_skeleton_collision(sprite, animname, frame, x, y, xscale, yscale, rot, colour)

参数 描述
sprite The index of the sprite to draw.
animname The name of the animation to get the frame from (a string).
frame The animation frame to draw (from 0 to image_number - 1).
x The x coordinate of where to draw the sprite.
y The y coordinate of where to draw the sprite.
x轴缩放 The horizontal scaling of the sprite, as a multiplier: 1 = normal scaling, 0.5 is half etc...
y轴缩放 The vertical scaling of the sprite, as a multiplier: 1 = normal scaling, 0.5 is half etc...
rot The rotation of the sprite. 0=normal, 90=turned 90 degrees counter-clockwise etc.
colour The colour with which to blend the sprite.

返回: N/A(无返回值)


This function will draw the collision masks associated with the given skeletal animation. You supply the base sprite, the animation set to use and the frame to get the information from, and you can also set the transform properties to suit.

重要!该函数在试用版(Trial License)产品中可用。


draw_skeleton_collision(sprite_index, "jump", image_index, x, y, image_xscale, image_yscale, image_angle, c_white);

The above code will draw the collision mask data for the current sprite, using the current transforms, for the animation set "jump".

上一页: Drawing Sprites And Tiles
下一页: draw_skeleton_time
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