
Sets whether or not the particles in the particle system should be automatically updated or not.


part_system_automatic_update(ind, automatic);

参数 描述
ind The index of the particle system to change.
automatic Whether automatic updating is on (true) or not (false).

返回: N/A(无返回值)


This function controls whether GameMaker Studio 2 should update the particle system automatically or not, and normally you would not need to use this function as the default value of true (automatic update is on) is what you wish to happen. However, for special effects or for pausing the game, you can set this to false and it will prevent any updates being carried out on the given particle system unless explicitly commanded by the use of the function part_system_update or you use this function again to turn automatic updates on. No updating means that particles created in this system will no longer change position, colour or any other parameter and that emitters will cease to work too, "freezing" the system at the exact point in which the automatic update was set to false.

One thing to note is that if you are using the simple effects created by the functions effect_create_above or effect_create_below then you can use the values of 0 (for below effects) or 1 (for above effects) as the particle system index and so toggle the automatic update for these too (this will also work to toggle updating for the DnD™ particle effects).


if global.Pause
   part_system_automatic_update(global.Sname, false);

The above code will switch off the particle updates if the global variable "Paused" is true.

上一页: Particle Systems
下一页: part_system_automatic_draw
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