This function can be used to convert a string which has been created previously by the function ds_grid_write() back into a ds_grid. The ds_grid must have been created previously (see the example below). 请注意,如果数据结构是使用以前的版本创建的GameMaker你应该添加可选参数“legacy”,将其设置为true,因为此版本的字符串格式已更改。
ds_grid_read(index, string [, legacy]);
参数 | 描述 |
index | The index of the grid to read. |
string | The string to read into the ds_grid. |
legacy (optional) | 可以是 true 或 false 或完全省略。 |
grid = ds_grid_create(room_width div 32,
room_height div 32);
ds_grid_read(grid, ini_read_string("Save", "0", ""));
The above code creates a ds_grid based on the size of the room (each 32x32 square of pixels represents one grid cell) and then reads a previously saved set of grid data from an ini file into the new ds grid.